Get Volunteering in Genealogy!
Volunteers’ Week takes place from 1st-7th June every year and it’s a good time to think about how you may want to combine volunteering with your love for family history. Volunteer at Your Local Archives Volunteering at the local archives is a great way to get way to get to know your local archives behind […]
Cracking the Code – Old Handwriting Deciphered
Learn about old handwriting and how to make reading it easier in this mini talk from WDYTYA 2017. Sue Adams explains how palaeography (the study of handwriting) and document analysis can help us read and understand what our ancestors wrote.
Mini Talk on The Journal of Genealogy and Family History
Interested in finding out more about The Journal of Genealogy and Family History? Watch this talk by Ian Mcdonald and Jessica Feinstein from this year’s WDYTYA:
RQG Member Book launch
Congratulations are in order for two of our members, Kathryn Burtinshaw and Dr. John Burt, who recently launched their book ‘Lunatics, Imbeciles & Idiots’ published by Pen and Sword. Check out this fascinating text at: Here’s a photo of Kathryn and John promoting their book at WDYTYA 2017