Claire Gene Esker

About: Claire Gene Esker

My name is Claire Gene Esker, MSc, and I graduated with a merit from the University of Strathclyde's program in Genealogical, Palaeographic, and Heraldic Studies. I most enjoy family history research, as well performing record pulls to help clients find that one document that will help them advance their own projects. I also enjoy writing on genealogy, especially on the contributions and implications for women in family history, and have been published in "Morasha," the newsletter of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois (JGSI), and in "Rodzinny," the journal of the Polish Genealogical Society of America (PGSA). Additionally, I volunteer with the PGSA as a researcher. While my research interests largely include Polish-American, Polish, Illinois, and Chicago genealogy, I am always open to exploring projects that will expand my skills, my knowledge of language and culture, and my ability to work skillfully with social history. I believe every family has dignity and deserves the respect of knowing their history and their role in it, as well as their place in the story of a world that is still being written. My non-research interests include photography, French, and piano.

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