New RQG Member Nicola Hallam
Lincolnshire based Nicola has recently completed the MSc programme at the University of Strathclyde and is expecting confirmation of the preliminary results at any moment!
Since moving back to Lincolnshire, the county of her birth, she has been working to increase her knowledge of the history of Lincolnshire and the records available to genealogists. With this in mind she took advantage of the projects that made up the MSc programme to study her hamlet, 19th century emigration from Lincolnshire to New Zealand, the Lincolnshire Rising of 1536 and poaching in the county in 19th century.
Other areas of interest include First World War research which has always been an interest and which led to the publication of Lady Under Fire on the Western Front back in 2010.
Nicola’s future plans are to build up her business Family History Diggers and to write a book based on her MSc project – 19th C Lincolnshire poachers. She also plans to write an article on the Lincolnshire Rising as her research highlighted several inconsistencies in the current data available on this subject.
Website: www.familyhistorydiggers.com
Twitter: @NicolaLHallam
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/familyhistorydiggers
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicola-hallam-566b157a/