ZMembers of the Steering Group

Current members of the group are:

Dave Annal,   Lifelines Research

Dr. Richard Baker, (Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies observer on the group)

Carol  Bannister, BA (Hons), MSc (Genealogical Studies),  RGN, OHNC, RPHN (OHN)  Email contact –

Dr. Nick Barratt (observer on the group).

Caroline Brown (University of Dundee observer on the group)

Stuart Coles (ASGRA observer on the group) BSc(hons), MA(Ed), MSc, Dip Ed, CBiol, MSB, F CollP

Andy Douglas  BA (Hons), MSc (Genealogical Studies), ACMA, CGMA, MCMI Email contact –

Dr. Bruce Durie BSc (Hons), PhD, OMLJ, FSAScot, FCollT, FIGRS, FHEA Email contact-

Dr. Craig Gauld  BA (Hons), Msc, PhD (University of Dundee observer on the group)

Graham Holton,  University of Strathclyde

Dr. Ian Macdonald BSc, PhD, MSc (Genealogical Studies), PGCE, CITP, CEng, FBCS, MIoD Email contact –

Tahitia McCabe BA, BFA, PGDip (Gen.Studies), MLS, FRSA  (University of Strathclyde observer on the group)

Toni Sutton PG Dip Education, BA (Hons) (Criminology), MSc (Genealogical Studies)  Email contact –

Ian Waller, (AGRA member observer on the Group).