Feek, Kathryn


Feek, Kathryn

Professional Genealogist and Researcher

  • Buildings/Locations research, Communities research, Genetic, Individuals/Families research, Probate/People Tracing research
  • Market Deeping, Lincolnshire, England
  • Updated 2 weeks ago


Professional Genealogist and Researcher based in South Lincolnshire, England.

Offering a range of genealogical services backed by robust research with a personal touch.

Committed to uncovering family histories and telling the stories of our ancestors, allowing clients and future generations to understand and connect with their heritage, and preserve their legacy for years to come.

With a special interest in Genetic Genealogy and DNA match analysis and helping clients fill gaps in their family trees or break through research brick walls which were once impossible with traditional research methods.


  • Cambridgeshire
  • Client Reports
  • DNA match Analysis
  • English Poor Law Records
  • Lincolnshire
  • Palaeography


  • 2022 - present
    Volunteer at William Scott Abbott Trust
    Cataloguing and Preservation of Archival collections


  • 2023-2024
    Postgraduate Diploma in Genealogical, Palaeographic & Heraldic Studies with Distinction at University of Strathclyde
    Project title: Who were the Poor Law District Medical Officers of the Bourne Union between 1879 – 1901?


To contact this candidate email kathrynfeek@qualifiedgenealogists.org

Contact using webmail: Gmail / AOL / Yahoo / Outlook /