I am not currently providing a research service for clients.
I am a PhD candidate with Teesside University researching 18th Century property transactions in the North Riding of Yorkshire. My PhD’s title is: ‘Gender, status and place: exploring the role of women in Yorkshire property transfers, 1736-1783’
I have over 30 years of experience in researching my own and other people’s families. I’m based near Barnard Castle on the borders of County Durham and North Yorkshire. I have an interest in palaeography and have transcribed documents from as far back in time as the 16th Century and manorial court, deeds and probate material from the 17th and 18th centuries.
I have served on the “Ask the Expert” panels at several Family History Shows.
I have a good understanding of aspects affecting rural communities across the UK as my first degree was in Agricultural Economics. My second career was as a qualified teacher. Following early retirement from teaching, I studied for a Masters degree in Family and Local History from the University of Dundee, qualifying in 2019, MLitt, with Merit.
I write an occasional blog about life in my local community over the years at https://bygone-teesdale-folk.org.uk. I try to focus on people who have been forgotten and have a particular interest in the lives of women in the past.
I am the admin of a One-Place Study of Boldron and the Boldron Parish History Group website.
I give talks to family and local history groups as well as other organisations, including at the Economic History Society 2024 Conference. These talks include: –
The Cheesemongers of Teesdale
Teesdale in the 18th Century
The North Riding Register of Deeds
Not Just the 10% – Women in Property Deeds
Bygone Teesdale Folk
December 2021
PhD Candidate at Teesside University
I am currently researching towards a PhD titled ‘Gender, status and place: exploring the role of women in Yorkshire property transfers, 1736-1783’ -
June 2019
MLitt (with Merit) in Family and Local History at University of Dundee
To contact this candidate email catherineryan@qualifiedgenealogists.org