Who we are

The Register of Qualified Genealogists is run by members working on an entirely voluntary basis. This page recognises those who freely contribute their time and energy to further the aims of the organisation.

Board of Directors

The directors are responsible for running RQG and managing its affairs, ensuring good corporate governance and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Board meetings are held monthly, though the directors interact with each other almost on a daily basis. They are elected by, and accountable to, members at our Annual General Meetings.

Sylvia Valentine
Claire Arnold
Finance Director
Ciara Chivers
Dr Nicholas Dixon
Catriona Haine
David Jack
Joanne Kenyon
Director & Admin Secretary
Luke Theobald
Richard Tolson
John Tunesi of Liongam
John Parkinson
Student Representative 2024/2025
Tracey Worboys
Student Representative 2024/2025

Communications Group

Overseen by Joanne Kenyon, the Communications Group is primarily responsible for maximising RQG’s social media exposure. The group meets monthly, though individual team members monitor and manage activity on a regular basis.

Joanne Kenyon
Comms Group Lead
Claire Arnold
Comms Group Member
Susan Fabbro
Comms Group Member
Linda Hammond
Comms Group Member
Pauline Jarvis
Comms Group Member
Tania Taylor
Comms Group Member
Luke Theobald
Comms Group Member

Journal of Genealogy and Family History

The JGFH editorial team are responsible for assessing potential articles, arranging blind reviews and author revisions, and preparing copy for publication.

Carol Bannister
Toni Sutton
Dr. Ian Macdonald
Assistant Editor