Adams, Sue


Adams, Sue

Genealogist, Family History researcher, Speaker, Writer, Map maker

  • Buildings/Locations research, Communities research, Individuals/Families research, Mentoring/Tutoring, Speaking, Use of specialist software, Writing
  • Thetford, Norfolk, UK
  • Updated 5 years ago


Sue Adams is a professional genealogist and PhD candidate at the University of Lincoln researching manorial records in Lincolnshire. She undertakes bespoke family history and genealogy research, provides one-to-one research advice, and gives talks on family history topics.

Sue specialises in English manorial records, land records and maps. A typical client has encountered a reference to copyhold property and wants to understand how that can help trace their genealogy and family history. Records of copyhold property tenure are rich genealogical sources that prevailed in England up to the 1920s.

Sue started researching her own family from Suffolk, Worcestershire, Warwickshire, Shropshire and Staffordshire in 1997.   She completed an undergraduate Open University course in Family and Community History in 2001, and gained an MSc in Genealogical, Palaeographic and Heraldic Studies from the University of Strathclyde in 2012.  She is now a Doctoral candidate at the University of Lincoln working on the records of the manor of Moulton Harrington.  Her proposed thesis title is “The role of the Manor in Family Strategies and the Land Market ca 1650-1925

Sue has contributed to genealogical knowledge by blogging at Family Folklore and Worldwide Genealogy, developing data standards through the work of FHISO, participating in online discussions and speaking at conferences and fairs.  She currently serves as a delegate in the National Archives User Advisory Group representing independent researchers.

Sue has been working as a professional genealogist since 2012, and has undertaken research commissions on families in England, Scotland and Canada.  She has served on the ‘Ask The Experts’ panel at Who Do You Think You Are LIVE from 2014 and tutored at Clans and Surnames in 2017.

Recent presentations include:

  • Maps and Property’ Society of Genealogists July 2018
  • Whispers and Secrets: Women in the Property Records of the Manorial Court‘ Secret Lives conference September 2018
  • Metadata magic and data standards for using digital images in genealogical researchRQG conference October 2018
  • Follow the Money in the Property Records of the Manor’ AGRA conference September 2019


  • Blogging
  • Cambridgeshire
  • Complex research problems
  • Data standards
  • English genealogy
  • family history writing
  • Manorial property
  • Mapping technology (GIS)
  • Norfolk
  • Palaeography
  • Photo analysis
  • Suffolk
  • Transcription


  • 2012-present
    Genealogist at Family Folk


  • 2011-2012
    MSc in Genealogical, Palaeographical & Heraldic Studies at University of Strathclyde
    Dissertation title: To what extent can Cartographic, Land and Genealogical data be combined to establish land ownership in England and can a Geographical Information System (GIS) tie it all together?
  • 2010-2011
    Postgraduate Diploma in Genealogical, Palaeographical & Heraldic Studies at University of Strathclyde
    Dissertation title: Inheritance of Manorial Land Holdings in the Manor of Clent, with special reference to the Waldron family of the Fieldhouse.
  • 2010-2010
    Postgraduate Certificate in Genealogical Studies at University of Strathclyde
    Project title: Stanley Family Photograph Album – Can We Identify the People and What Does It Tell Us About Them?
  • 2001
    Studying family and community history: 19th and 20th centuries at Open University
    3rd year undergraduate level course


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