The Register of Qualified Genealogists is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales.
The company was registered at Companies House, Cardiff on 31st December 2015 under registration number: 09933308.
The Articles of Association establish the company as “not-for-profit” and satisfy the requirements for exemption from using “Limited” in the company name.
All Qualified Genealogists are members (guarantors) of the company and have ultimate control of the company.
The company is run without the need for office accommodation. Official notices can be delivered to the Registered Office at 49 Station Road, Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 6EA.
The subscribers to the Memorandum of Association (the first members who brought the company into existence) were:
The company was registered at Companies House, Cardiff on 31st December 2015 under registration number: 09933308.
The Articles of Association establish the company as “not-for-profit” and satisfy the requirements for exemption from using “Limited” in the company name.
All Qualified Genealogists are members (guarantors) of the company and have ultimate control of the company.
The company is run without the need for office accommodation. Official notices can be delivered to the Registered Office at 49 Station Road, Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 6EA.
The subscribers to the Memorandum of Association (the first members who brought the company into existence) were:
- David Annal
- Carol Bannister
- Dr. Nick Barratt
- Caroline Brown
- Andy Douglas
- Dr. Bruce Durie
- Graham Holton
- Dr. Ian Macdonald
- Tahitia McCabe
- Toni Sutton
The Company is managed by a Board of Directors on behalf of the members.
The present Board of Directors:
- Sylvia Valentine M. Litt. (Family and Local History) QG, Chair
- Claire Arnold MSc. (Genealogical Studies) ACMA CGMA QG
- Ciara Chivers MSc. (Genealogical Studies) QG
- Dr Nicholas Dixon BA MPhil PhD (History) QG
- Catriona Haine MSc. (Genealogical Studies) QG
- David Jack MSc. (Genealogical Studies) QG
- Joanne Kenyon MSc. (Genealogical Studies) ACIPD QG
- Luke Theobald BA (Hons) MSc. (Genealogical Studies) QG
- Richard Tolson MSc. (Genealogical Studies) QG
- John Tunesi of Liongam MSc. (Genealogical Studies) QG