Allen, Kelli


Allen, Kelli

Qualified Genealogist, Adjunct Professor

  • Buildings/Locations research, Education, Individuals/Families research, Mentoring/Tutoring, Research, Speaking
  • Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
  • Updated 1 year ago


Genealogical research is my passion. I love investigating and telling an ancestor’s story. I graduated with distinction from the University of Strathclyde with a Master’s Degree in Genealogical, Palaeographic, and Heraldic Studies in 2021. My specialties include US, Scottish, English, and Australian genealogical research. My dissertation and postgraduate projects involved emigration research from European countries (including England, Scotland, and Scandinavia) to the United States.

I currently teach as an adjunct professor at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, USA. I also serve as President-Elect of the Association of Genealogical Educators and Schools Board of Directors.


  • 19th Century Emigration
  • Australian Research
  • Palaeography
  • Scottish & English Research
  • United States Research


  • September 2023- Current
    Adjunct Professor, Family History Department at Brigham Young University
  • January 2024
    President-Elect, Board of Directors at Association of Genealogical Educators and Schools


  • 2018-2021
    Master of Science (MSc) with Distinction in Genealogical, Palaeographic, and Heraldic Studies at University of Strathclyde
    Dissertation Title: EMIGRANTS TO UTAH 1854-1860: How did assisted emigrants financed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints differ from unassisted emigrant Church members and other assisted and unassisted emigrants from Europe to the USA?
  • 2000-2003
    Bachelor of Science, Business Management, Finance at Brigham Young University


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