Arnold, Mary
Qualified Genealogist, researcher and tutor
I have over 30 years experience of genealogical research both paid and voluntary, which has included indexing and cataloging of family papers to archive standards, researching soldiers of WW1 & WW11. I undertaken research in the UK, France, Ireland, America, Canada, Australia and South Africa. I feel it is always important to be able to place your ancestors in the context in which they lived. I explore the places they lived, the occupations they had, and the events that perhaps shaped their lives. I have a particular interest in maps and in the locating of obscure and forgotten places and reuniting families with ancestors they did not know existed.
- family histories written
- Individual and family research
- WW1
MSc Genealogical, Palaeographic & Heraldic Studies at University of Strathclyde
BA Community Education at Moray House, Edinburgh
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