Bladon, Valerie
Genealogist, Family History Researcher
Valerie Bladon is a genealogist and family history researcher based in North Derbyshire. She undertakes family history research as well as providing one to one research advice.
After spending many years researching her own family history and helping others, Valerie gained the Certificate and Diploma in Genealogical, Palaeographic and Heraldic Studies from the University of Strathclyde. She is currently undertaking her final dissertation for the MSc.
Valerie is particularly interested in genetic genealogy and helping others understand their DNA results.
- Genetic Genealogy
- House Histories
- Irish migration
- Understanding DNA results
Certificate and Diploma in Genealogical, Palaeographic and Heraldic Studies at University of Strathclyde
B.A. and PGCE at Open University
To contact this candidate email valeriebladon@qualifiedgenealogists.org