Hicks, Wendy
Genealogist and Historian
I am based near the Wiltshire/Gloucestershire border at the edge of the Cotswolds, having returned here after fifteen years in the USA
Whilst living in the USA, I worked in Public Broadcasting as an assistant producer and researcher for children’s news, a literary programme series and historical documentaries.
I have more than 20 years research experience and have spent extensive periods of time studying original documents in archives in both the UK and the USA.
I now take on research for clients covering a wide range of aspects of family history and genealogy.
- Archival Research
- Bilingual (French)
- English Research
- Jersey (Channel Islands)
- Military
- Scottish Research
- Wiltshire; Berkshire
1998 to DATE
Experience at Historical and Genealogy Research
More than 20 years experience in historical and family history research for myself and others.
Master of Letters (MLitt) in Family and Local History at University of Dundee
City & Guilds in Television and Video Competences at Cirencester College
To contact this candidate email wendyhicks@qualifiedgenealogists.org