O’Shea, Chloe


O’Shea, Chloe

Genealogist and Author

  • Buildings/Locations research, Individuals/Families research, Writing
  • South Derbyshire
  • Updated 1 month ago


My interest in genealogy began in 2006, long before I realised I could turn it into a career. Researching my own tree uncovered long forgotten family secrets, such as a fourth great-grandfather who was a Prisoner of War during the Napoleonic Wars, a fourth great-grandmother who was a smuggler and a trigamist great-grandfather (married to three people at the same time!).

I believe every ancestor has a story to tell and love nothing more than acting as a detective and revealing their hidden stories. I established The Past Revealed to help others discover more about their family history.

I am currently based in South Derbyshire but lived in Dorset for over 20 years. I specialise in English genealogy.

I have always been interested in history and gained BSc (Hons) in Heritage Conservation in 2009 and MA Museum Studies in 2010 from Bournemouth University. I am also a graduate of the Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies. I was awarded the RQG Student Prize for my dissertation on a house history in South Derbsyhire.

My first book ‘Discover Your Dorset Ancestors’ was published by Family History Books in 2022. I ama regular contributor for Who Do You Think You Are magazine and have also written for Family Tree magazine and Dorset magazine. I am currently writing my second book ‘Tracing Your Staffordshire Ancestors’ due for release in Spring 2025.


  • 2023
    Diploma in Genealogy at IHGS
  • 2010
    MA Museum Studies at Bournemouth University
  • 2009
    BSc (Hons) Heritage Conservation at Bournemouth University


To contact this candidate email chloeoshea@qualifiedgenealogists.org

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