RQG member David Annal to talk at RootsTech London
RQG member David Annal is talking at #RootsTechLondon on My Ancestor Was A Liar. Find him on Friday at 2pm Look at some of the reasons why our ancestors might have lied and offer suggestions on how to recognise Ignorance, Half-truths & Wilful Deceit. David is a professional researcher with over 40 years’ experience. He […]
RQG member Linda Hammond is talking at Rootstech London
RQG member Linda Hammond is talking at #RootsTechLondon on Mind Mapping and its place in organising and guiding your genealogical research. Find her on Friday at 3.30pm I remember I was about 17 years old and we were visiting an uncle of mine in London and he was telling me stories about the family. […]
RQQ member Laura House is talking at RootsTech London
RQG member Laura House will be taking part in a panel discussion on DNA Testing, its ethics and applications at #RootsTechLondon with Maurice Gleeson; Debbie Kennett; Michelle Leonard and Donna Rutherford. Friday at 4.30pm. We asked Laura what got her interested in family history: “I first became actively interested in genealogy when I was eighteen. […]
RQG member Penny Walters to talk at RootsTech
Penny will be presenting 2 lectures and 1 workshop at Roots Tech London. The ‘Psychology of Searching’ lecture will be on Thursday 24 October at 2pm (Room 1). ‘Ethical Dilemmas in Genealogy’ lecture will be given on Friday 25 October at 3.30pm (Room 17). The DNA workshop ‘Deductions that can be made through your DNA […]