Guest Writer

About: Guest Writer

Guest writers are non RQG members who are experts in their own field. They range from academics, archivists to experienced (but not necessarily qualified) genealogists.

Recent Posts by Guest Writer

The Wedding Register
1 Mar, 2019

Civil Marriage Ceremonies From 1837

According to the latest available figures from the Office for National Statistics, civil marriages accounted for almost three-quarters of marriages celebrated in England and Wales in 2015. Yet it was only in the late twentieth century that civil marriage overtook religious marriage as the most popular form of marriage, and before the start of the […]

Free UK Genealogy projects
10 Dec, 2018

Free UK Genealogy

Intro Free UK Genealogy CIO is the umbrella charity for volunteer-led transcription projects FreeBMD, FreeREG and FreeCEN. In fact, the charity sprang from the FreeBMD project, growing in scope and ambition to what it is today. It is our mission to provide free, online access to family history records. We support thousands of dedicated volunteers […]

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