Book Review: 10 Scotland Street by Leslie Hills

6 Apr, 2024

Book Review: 10 Scotland Street by Leslie Hills

This month’s book recommendation is from RQG member Susan Fabbro

10 Scotland Street by Leslie Hills

(2023, Scotland Street Press – ISBN 978-1-910895-733)


Leslie has lived for fifty years in her home in the heart of the New Town, Edinburgh. This house history, commencing from the early 19th century when the first proprietor, David Kedie Whytt from Fife and his family took ownership from the builder, is the culmination of decades of research.

By Leslie’s own admission, it is an “opinionated history”; not merely a house history but a vivid portrait of individuals and social history of Georgian Edinburgh, incorporating global events and their inevitable consequences. We encounter a variety of characters including publishers, merchants, mariners, missionaries, military men, slave-owners, yet not forgetting the importance of generational women.

Leslie’s personality enthuses as her lively narrative brings her past occupants to life. At times she scuttles down many a rabbit hole, frequently connecting people and situations to her own family, adding to the rich tapestry she weaves. This book is a labour of love and a tribute to the predecessors whose spirit she feels keenly.

The history is not referenced but includes a select bibliography and a list of the extensive resources used.

Susan Fabbro


Susan is a Qualified Genealogist based in Edinburgh.

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Joanne Kenyon

RQG Director